GTCC Science Standards
The Montana Science Content Standards adopted in 2016 are based heavily on the Next Generation Science Standards. It is necessary to access information about these three-dimensional standards to be able to address them appropriately. The GTCC Science Standards documents are designed to include all the necessary information about the three dimensions that support each MT Science Standard in one place, along with vocabulary and links to resources.
How to read a GTCC Science Standard Document [link]
Bundling Science Standards into Units [link]
Montana Science Content Standards (2016) [link]
GTCC Science Standards Documents
Kindergarten [link to Google Drive]
1st Grade [link to Google Drive]
2nd Grade [link to Google Drive]
3rd Grade [link to Google Drive]
4th Grade [link to Google Drive]
5th Grade [link to Google Drive]
6th-8th Grade [link to Google Drive]
Life Science [link to Google Drive]
Physical Science [link to Google Drive]
Earth and Space Science [link to Google Drive]
9th-12th Grade [link to Google Drive]
Life Science [link to Google Drive]
Physical Science [link to Google Drive]
Earth and Space Science [link to Google Drive]