By Diana Knudson
December already. The older I get, it truly does seem to come faster and faster every year. I hope you all have a relaxing, love-filled holiday season. The older I get, I seem to understand that idea more and more each year.
I was listening to a talk show the other day and listened to the creator of a website and program called Modern States, which is a non-profit education alliance dedicated to college access for all in partnership with EDX from Harvard and MIT. The site offers the first year of college free if students take the courses offered, then take the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) test for $80 for each course, and when they enroll in a university, they will make sure it accepts the CLEP test. Then, they will receive those credits free. Over 2900 colleges and universities accept the CLEP test for credit. Over 30 courses are available in math, science, literature, composition, and government. It may be worth taking a look at the site and looking at the courses offered. The site is As I watch my grandchildren grow up and know the costs of college, this is an option I will share with my children. The overview of this program has been featured in The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Reuters and several others.
Happy Holidays from Brianna and me. We are always excited about the great things your schools are doing and offer our help anytime. The winner of the drawing for November is Breanna Todd from Geyser Schools! Keep reading the Golden Apple to find out when our next drawing will be announced.
December 3 – FINAL The Arts-Visual Arts & Media Arts Curriculum Committee Meeting, 3D International, Great Falls
December 4 - FINAL English Language Arts Curriculum Committee Meeting, 3D International, Great Falls
December 10 - Science Curriculum Committee Meeting, 3D International, Great Falls
December 11 - Library Information Literacy Curriculum Committee Meeting, 3D International, Great Falls
· $5,500 Grant Program to Recognize Teachers for Innovation in Data Collection in Science The 2019 Vernier/NSTA Technology Awards program is now open, offering up to $5,500 for "the innovative use of data-collection technology using a computer, tablet, graphing calculator, or other handheld in the science classroom." This year's program will award up to $5,500 in cash, products and travel to seven educators, including one at the elementary level, two at the middle school level, three at the high school level and one at the post-secondary level. One grant will be awarded at each level per school.
· The Western Governor’s Association announces the 4th Annual “Celebrate the West” regional art competition that challenges high school students to create works of art inspired by their state. The entry deadline is April 28, 2019, and students are welcome to submit artwork used for other contests or assignments. Student’s artwork will be returned.