March 2020
Volume 2
Issue 3
By: Alyssa Cliver
Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative Director
Mark Your Calendars:
August 17 - GTCC Fall In-Service and Vendor/Exhibitor Fair
with Keynote Speaker: Linda Jordan
Register as a school, district, or individually by going to this link: Fall In-Service Registration or by emailing Brianna or Alyssa.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know.
The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” -Dr. Seuss
March is National Reading Month and while our students should be reading all the time - this gives us an opportunity to really teach and model how important reading is and how it changes lives! How is your school celebrating NATIONAL READING MONTH ?
Check it out:
Our email “listserv” is in full swing. This will be a way to share learning opportunities, materials, curriculum revision dates, and important updates to all of our members. If you would like to be added to this email list, please email Alyssa at:
For those of you that are taking every opportunity you have to make a difference in the life of a child, please share it with us on our Facebook page!
Today’s monthly question - what is your favorite school lunch? Go to our Facebook page and find the post to answer! While you are there, like and share our page! We still have a wonderful gift basket to send out to one lucky winner, once we reach 200 likes!
If you are looking for up-to-date information on guidance for K-12 schools to plan, prepare, and respond to Coronavirus Disease (COVID - 19), follow this link:
Important Dates
To register for the next round of curriculum revision, contact Alyssa or Brianna! Everyone is welcome and ENCOURAGED to attend.
Mar 17 - World Language Curriculum Revision
Mar 10 - Music Curriculum Revision
Mar 17 - Technology Curriculum Revision
April 30 - Spring Leadership Conference/GTCC Administrative Meeting
Hampton Inn
9:00 AM
June & July 2020 - Summer Institute (registration will begin April 1)
August 17 - Fall In-Service and Vendor/Exhibitor Fair
Alyssa Cliver
Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative Director
1010 Oilfield Avenue
Shelby, MT 59474
Office (406) 424-8901 ext. 2104
Mobile (406) 239-1437