March 2021
Volume 3
Issue 3
Alyssa Cliver - Director
(406) 239-1437
Do You Know Your Students As Learners?
Have you ever considered how YOU best learn? Have you ever considered how your STUDENTS best learn?
Learning Modalities (styles) are different for everyone; learning is not “one size fits all”. It is important to know how our students best learn, so that we may differentiate in our classroom and provide learning opportunities for our students that meet their needs. These learning style quizzes would be a great activity for this Spring; considering starting next school year with a survey of your students learning modalities. You may be surprised!
Lower Grade Learning Styles Quiz (meant to be completed with a parent/teacher)
Did You Know?
Did you know that Alyssa Cliver, the Director of the Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative, can provide personalized Professional Development for your teachers & staff? If you have professional development or any other educational needs, contact Alyssa - (406) 239-1437 to discuss & schedule.
Important Dates
Summer Institute Registration OPENS - April 1st
Spring Leadership Conference (Lead Teachers, Principals, Superintendents) @ Clark & Lewie’s in Great Falls: April 29, 2021 - RSVP
Summer Institute - June & July 2021
Fall In-Service - August 16. 2021 CANCELLED
Prize Giveaway Drawing: August 4, 2021
Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative
It’s GIVEAWAY time!
Drawing will be held August 4, 2021 for one of these AWESOME PRIZES!
Qball is changing the way classrooms operate! Qball keeps everyone on their feet as a throwable, soft microphone.
Each completed task = 1 entry
Please make sure all emails, texts, and Facebook posts have your name & school.
Attend a Summer Institute Course!
“Like” our Facebook page: “Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative” and send a screenshot to:
Post a photo of you “taking time for yourself” to our Facebook Page.
Plan a hands-on, engaging lesson for your students that really GRABS their attention and post a photo to our Facebook page.
Post on Facebook: the school you teach at and why you love teaching!
Sit with your students & complete an activity alongside them, instead of just observing. Text a selfie to: (406) 239-1437
Post a photo of how you are “avoiding burnout” to our Facebook Page.
For every GTCC member teacher you invite to “Like” our Facebook page, you will receive an additional entry.
Sign up for our E-News at and send a screenshot of the confirmation to:
Find your grade level/subject area standards (remember - this IS your curriculum) and save/print. Send proof to:
Post a photo/image to our Facebook page that represents a positive experience in 2021.
High-Five or Hug a colleague & text a photo to: (406) 239-1437.
Send a positive email to an administrator & “CC”
If Alyssa supports your school/teachers in any way from March 1st-August 1st - each teacher receives an entry.
Email: to recommend a rural MT school as possible new member.