Golden Apple Monthly Newsletter December 2021

Special Education Day is coming up on Thursday, December 2nd. Do you work with and/or teach students with special needs? This day recognizes the anniversary of the United States’ first special education law, “Individuals With Disabilities Education Act” (IDEA), signed by President Ford in 1975. As teachers, we are fortunate to support all of our students with different abilities and disabilities. 

In the law, Congress states:

Disability is a natural part of the human experience and in no way diminishes the right of individuals to participate in or contribute to society. Improving educational results for children with disabilities is an essential element of our national policy of ensuring equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities.

  • Are you registered for our UPCOMING EVENTS in the NEW YEAR?

    • January 11th: New Teacher Training - RSVP

    • January 20: Chapter Chat Book Study - RSVP

    • January 26: Begin Counseling Curriculum Revision

    • January 31: Textbook & Vendor Fair - RSVP


Sign up for E-News on our website:

“Disruptive Thinking in our Classrooms: Preparing Learners for the Future”

Written by: Eric Sheninger


*Participants will receive Priority Seating*
Featured Keynote Speaker: GTCC In-Service
August 15, 2022
Heritage Inn - Great Falls, MT

Chapter Chat Zoom Meetings (4:30-5:30) on the following dates:

January 20th, January 27th, February 3rd

February 10th, February 17th, February 24th, March 3rd

For more details on Renewals/College Credit or to RSVP: