Important Dates
August 7, 2024: Hutterite Colony Educator Conference (RSVP)
This event is open to Hutterite Colony teachers, German teachers, and the administrators who serve the colonies - whether members or not. We will have Mona Shortman as our opening keynote and breakout sessions throughout the day on the topics of Special Education, ELL, multi-grade classrooms, technology integration, etc.
August 14, 2024: New Teacher Institute & Orientation (RSVP)
This event is open to all new teachers to the Golden Triangle. We will review the cooperative & its’ supports for our members, GTCC standards, classroom management, self-care, and integrated movement sessions. This is one of our most popular events, don’t miss it!
August 15, 2024: Fall In-Service with Keynote Speaker Adam Welcome (RSVP)
This event is open to all GTCC Member Schools and schools are encouraged to come together as a group for collaborative professional development. We will provide breakfast & lunch. Enjoy an interactive & engaging keynote by Adam; then collaborate with staff during breakout sessions! This event is not to be missed!