Golden Apple Monthly Newsletter

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Golden Apple Monthly Newsletter

    Nov 2020
Volume 2
Issue 11

Alyssa Cliver - Director
(406) 239-1437

November has arrived! November, for me, has always meant a month of remembering all that we have to be thankful for. Our blessings are plentiful and November is a perfect month to remember that! I encourage all of you to be thankful this month - follow this calendar and post on our Facebook page!! If you haven’t already, “LIKE” our Facebook page: Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative for a chance to win an Amazon Gift Card! Feel free to use this thankful calendar for yourself, your family and/or your students.


Upcoming Dates:

  • Business/Vocational Education Revision: January 19, February 23, March 23

    • Email: to nominate a teacher

  • New Teacher Check-In: January 28 (1-4 PM)

  • Spring Leadership (Admin): April 29, 2021 - RSVP