Important Dates
February 1, 2024: GTCC Executive Board Meeting
February 6, 2024: Library Educator Roundtable (RSVP)
This event is for all library educators in the cooperative. We will have speakers, relevant library education topics, collaboration, and discussion.
February 20, 2024: The Arts Curriculum Revision Meeting #2
February 21, 2024: Social Studies/History Curriculum Revision Meeting #2
March 19, 2024: The Arts Curriculum Revision Meeting #3
March 20, 2024: Social Studies/History Curriculum Revision Meeting #3
April 1, 2024: Summer Institute Registration Opens
April 24, 2024: Spring Leadership Conference - open to all GTCC Administration (RSVP)
This event is open to all GTCC Administration. We will have Rick Duncan - Powell County & 2023 - 2024 MT Superintendent of the Year speaking on Legislative Advocacy. We will also have a quick August In-Service promotion by Adam Welcome & Kendra Lewis will be sharing on “MonTech/The Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities”.
August 15, 2024: Fall In-Service with Keynote Speaker Adam Welcome (RSVP)
This event is open to all GTCC Member Schools and schools are encouraged to come together as a group for collaborative professional development. We will provide breakfast & lunch. Enjoy an interactive & engaging keynote by Adam; then collaborate with staff during breakout sessions! This event is not to be missed!